Category Archives: Current Events

Community and other special events of interest to cyclists

January Club Meeting

Club Minutes

Minutes of the October 24th 2024 Fall club meeting have been submitted by our secretary Lana Sain. Attendance was Joe and Maxine Capezza, Dennis Lankford, Everett Smith, Chris Porter, and Hunter Norris. Treasurer Chris Porter reported on our financial status with assets of $2409.25, 51 members, total income $1318.26, and expenses $1877.97. The 2024 ERV had 157 registrants with total donations of $12,500. 17 HRBC members rode and 15 HRBC volunteers. This meeting is the winter meeting dated January 23rd 2025. Attendance was Hunter Norris, Stuart Jennie Coulter, Joe Maxine Capezza, Dave Bond, Chris Porter, Dennis Lankford, and Scott Grissom.

Secretary Report

Lana Sain reported she will be having hip surgery this spring and might have to curtail some of her duties.

Vice President Report

Michael Roberts was on child duty but will be asked to post some items for sale by Joe Capezza.

Ride Captain Report

Denny Elston our ride captain again for 2025 presented plans for his Saturday club rides starting in the spring and involvement in the Horton 100 and the Brat at Montgomery Bell State Park.

Joe Capezza will be hosting the Social rides on Tuesday evenings this year and touched on Jack/Back and senior Olympics.

Stuart Coulter expressed an interest in establishing possibly another email list for other rides outside of the OTHG. The name of the new email group will be MSSG Medium Slow Speed Gang and will be a little slower than the OTHG. Michael Roberts will be asked to merge the OTHG email list on the MSSG list.

Hunter will post all rides on the calendar with the absence of Lana Sain.

Treasurer Report

Chris Porter gave our financial report and reported on exciting new plans for the 2025 ERV100 which includes the Pedal for Alzheimer’s choosing to make the ERV100 part of their Tennessee Fondo Tour. Also, he provided our present membership total so far in 2025 as 13 members. Chris encouraged all to mention on their rides about membership to other cyclists.

Old Business

Justin Blackburn SRO for East Middle reports that the helmet drive that we helped support last fall with a $500 donation had been well received at all the local Tullahoma schools with all children wearing helmets that rode to school.

Contacted by Lynda Welty of the Morning Rotary Club to renew the elementary school bike give away program. Their Rotary Club has given out 2 bikes they had received from Dr Matt Nichols. Joe will be continuing his very important bike recycling program at West Middle in 2025. He was recognized in December by the Good News magazine for his charitable efforts to pass down his inspiration for life thru cycling.

New Business

2025 HRBC Membership drive has started! Tullahoma Post Office Box 1752 or Paypal. Our dues typically cover the essential costs of the club so they are very important. Membership is $25 individual and $30 family. (Join or renew your membership online here.)

Stuart Coulter presented a program on local cycling advocacy in Tullahoma. He is concerned we will have to travel to sites out of Tullahoma to begin our rides with the increasing traffic, rough roads, and lack of adequate space for road cycling. We will be inviting members to join an Advocacy Committee that will formulate a plan to keep our community and its leaders aware of our needs as well as safety. So far Joe Capezza, Hunter Norris, and Stuart Coulter have offered to join.

Upcoming Cycling Events

  • Adopt-a Highway April 13th 3:15 Ride of Silence May 21st
  • April: Oak Barrel 4/5, Horton100 4/26-27, Cornbread Fondo 4/27
  • May: Hincapie Chattanooga 5/3, Paris Century 5/17, Cheaha 5/18, ROS 5/21
  • June: Cherohala 6/7, Big Hill 6-14, Pedal Alzheimer’s Knox 6/21
  • July: Sinking Cove 7/4
  • August: BRAWC 8/25, ERV100 8/30
  • September: Hincapie Arkansas 9/7-8, Ride to Sky 9/13, AYCE 9/20, Sr Olympics 9/20, BRAT 9/19-25, Jack 9/13-14, 6 Gap 9/27 October: Sequatchie 10/4, Scarecrow 10/11, Hincapie SC 10/18

Next Meeting

Next club meeting will be April 24th 2025 6pm DW Wilson Rec Center.
Respectfully submitted, Hunter Norris, President

Old Stone Fort Archaeological Park has New Trail for Mountain Biking

Thank you to for posting the following story:

Keith Wimberly, Park Manager for Old Stone Fort Archaeological Park, was the guest on “Connecting Coffee County” on Tuesday and shared some exciting news about a new trail in the Park.

Old Stone Fort State Archaeological Park would like to announce the creation of a new 1.7 mile dual-use mountain bike and hiking trail located on Powers Bridge Road. It is aptly named the Powerline Trail and was built by Eagle Scout Brody Goodwin and his fellow scouts.

This new trail at OSFSAP is the only trail that allows bikes of any kind.

Find the Powerline Trail Loop on the Old Stone Fort Archaeological Park map by clicking the link below:

To hear that interview with Keith Wimberly, find the downloads page on

April 2023 Adopt-a-Highway Activity

Adopt-a-Highway volunteers
Adopt-a-Highway volunteers
pile of trash from highway clean up

The Highland Rim Bike Club always has a good time even fulfilling our civic duty with cleaning our Adopt-a-hwy out by Staggerwing Museum on Hwy130. Thank you to Jill Albro, Jeff Albro, Michael Roberts, Joe Capezza, and Perrin Norris.

Look at all the trash we picked up in an hour! Winner goes to Jeff for finding a car transmission beaten by a close 2nd on a live Wakie Talkie!

– Hunter Norris