As reported by rider Edward Duell
Thanks for asking about the 2011 Clarksville Century. Here is the powerpoint summary.
– I showed up before the start and there were 3 groups, those in the ‘fast pace’ Group (about 10 riders), and those who were doing the 100 mile in the ‘normal pace’ group, and then some who were standing between these 2 groups. One of the guys in the ‘fast pace’ group was trying to coax the middle group to join, since the more the merrier and trying to ride 100 with 10 guys would be an insane workload. So, many of the middle group rolled forward to join us. It was already hot. I had 2 H20 bottles and 2 Gatorades, and enough Clif Bars and Gu shots for Napoleon’s Third Army.
– We started out with, I am guessing, 30 – 40 riders, including a few women.
– We immediately fell into single file with some TT Pacemaker pulling for about 2 miles at an insane speed, which felt like 30mph, right out of the gates. I was riding third. TT Pacemaker signals that he is about to pull off, and number 2 rolls off even before he does, which puts me at the head!! I pull through and put a few seconds of face into the wind. As I pull off, I realize I am sweating profusely. It’s hot already. To put this in perspective, imagine riding behind someone at 26 – 28 mph, and then having to pull through! Continue reading →