Category Archives: Ride Reports

Kick back and enjoy reading the exploits of fellow cyclists

HRBike Updates

Happy Valentine’s Day! Hope you get your favorite flowers, chocolates, or maybe something
special for your bike. Okay, enough dreaming…on to bike club business. The Winter bike club
meeting was eventful, in case you didn’t make it, read on:

The club now has tools to loan to members.

Spring Training Camp (spring bike tune-up with basic on-bike skills course) is being planned for early spring.

Treasurer, Scott Byrom is working on 501(c)7 status for the club.

A walk/bike committee, a joint effort of Manchester and Tullahoma to make our areas more walk/bike friendly, has recently formed. HRBike Members are welcome to participate. HRBike calendar has details. Continue reading

Merry Christmas

We hope cycling in 2016 was fun, and wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. peacelovejoyriders_thumb-520x402Looking back at 2016, what helped make the journey fun and safe? Here’s some suggestions for gifts, gadgets & gizmos received in answer to that question:

Jeff Albro bought his wife, Jill, a new bike and outfitted it with a mirror & computer. Jeff says any cyclist would also appreciate tire changing spoons, multi-tool, CO2 inflator, and inner tubes. Continue reading

The Ride of a Lifetime, Part 2

On August 12, 2016, HRBike member, Jim Herron conquered the 4,567 mi. Trans-Am bike trek. In a previous article, we learned Jim’s inspiration, training & best experiences. To conclude the emotionaljimconversation…here’s more from Jim:

What is the worst time you had? Admitting I was really sick and needing to stop in Falls of the Rough, KY, on 4/20, was the worst feeling. Thank goodness I recovered by June and was ready to get back out there. As far as on the road, I only had one verbal altercation with a coal truck in Chester, IL; otherwise, the roads and the drivers were as good as one could hope.

What’s your advice to others who might like to go on such a journey? First, just go! Don’t get Continue reading