Fill the Sleigh Ride

Want a way to really get in the Christmas Spirit? Make plans to participate in the Fill the Sleigh Ride!

Three years ago our cycling friends in Franklin County invited us to join them for a toy drive/bike ride/poker run to benefit children in Franklin County. In addition to toys, they also take donations of new children’s books. These folks work hard to make this fun for all, and it is a joy to know you are helping a child have a good Christmas. They even have a drawing for prizes at the end of the ride and also a prize for best poker hand. (Riders get new cards at each stop.) Want to know more? Keep reading to find out how to be involved.

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Thanksgiving is the time of year we reflect on all the good things in our lives. Family, Friends, Food, Fun, and, of course, Cycling!

Family: This year many fathers & sons and entire families rode together. What a great way to spend time with your children; No phones or other devises to get in the way of talking. Several couples rode together this year too. Bike dates are the best! Remember to tell your family thanks for encouraging you to ride.

Friends: Long lasting friendships have begun with people enjoying the sport of cycling together. The photo above is one of the last rides Jim Herron shared with us before he moved to Colorado.  Jim plans to come back and ride with us as often as he can. Throughout this year, we have had several friends return to the area for a visit and to join us on a bike ride. Old friends say how much they miss the beautiful area here and we say how much we miss them. Thanks for the pulls, drafts, encouragement & thoughtfulness. Continue reading

Ride Report: Next Steps

On October 7, 2017, Jeannie & Stuart Coulter (pictured) rode in the Next Steps Century they liked a lot and thought perhaps club members would like to attend next year. Please enjoy their report:

We attended the Next Steps Century ride in Dunlap, TN. This event used to be run by the Chattanooga Bike Club but is now organized by the Next Step Resources Center, a teen pregnancy crisis center (as a fund raiser). This is their third year. We were returning to our old stomping grounds since we used to live in Jasper. The ride was well run and they had many volunteers. They had SAG vehicles that roamed the course and one that spent a lot of time behind us. I wonder why? The start and all of the rest stops were at churches with good bathrooms. The food was plentiful at the first stop, but meager at the second.

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