Dogs and Bikes Do Not Mix

Dogs are attracted to the spinning wheels and feet of the cyclist; even a friendly dog can cause you to fall and it hurts! Read on for what do to if you encounter a dog while riding and what the laws are in Tennessee related to dogs and their owners.

Tips to protect cyclists from dogs:

  • Watch for and announce dogs that chase.
  • Be very alert and keep both hands on the handlebars.
  • Sometimes, you can ignore a dog; in other cases, try a firm, loud “NO,” “HALT,” “HEY,” or “STOP.”
  • Hold your line in a group, if possible.
  • If the dog doesn’t stop, spray the dog with water or pepper stray.
  • Dismount your bike & put it between you and the dog.
  • Wear your Road ID every time you ride.

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Spring Bike Training Camp

Baseball has Spring Training Camp, and now, so does HRBike.

On Saturday, March 25, members of the bike club will hold a FREE class for the community to teach bike basics to cyclists of all ages and backgrounds. The camp will be held at West Middle School in Tullahoma from 9 – 11 am.

HRBike President Tim Harrison says, “We’ll conduct a very basic maintenance class (Bicycle ABC’s, how to inflate a tire, how to change a tube) as well as an on-bike skills class (how to shift gears, how to do hand signals, how to perform obstacle avoidance and how to do a quick stop).” Continue reading