2016 ERV100 – August 28

The Elk River Valley 100 (ERV100) will be here in days! Geody and the gang have done a great 12891049_908607399236608_977370759249182513_ojob to assure that you will have a fun day on your bike. In addition to the great routes, food, and fun; the ERV100 has amazing S.W.A.G. (Stuff. We. All. Get.)

The ERV100 t-shirt and mug are fabulous! Both the “technical” Hincapie t-shirt and the shiny red mug are designed by Jason Schweitzer of Schweitzer, Inc.

Both Hincapie Sportswear and Schweitzer, Inc. are ERV100 sponsors, please see the list of other sponsors below. We are so grateful for their support. Please honor them with your business. Continue reading

What to Do After a Bicycle Crash in Middle TN

The vast majority of bicycle rides end without incident. But unfortunately, even the most experienced cyclist can be involved in a crash. Some of the best ways to prevent crashes are to follow local cycling laws.

In Tennessee, bicycles are considered vehicles, so cyclists are subject to all applicable rules of the road. You should obey traffic signs and signals, communicate upcoming turns and other actions using hand motions (when safe to do so), and equip the front of your bicycles with a white light visible at 500 feet and the rear with a red reflector/lamp visible from 50 feet away. The latter requirement is used to increase your visibility around motorists at night.

State law requires motorists to exercise due care around bicycles. They must keep at least three feet between the car and the cyclist when they pass, and even be careful when opening their car door. Continue reading

Group Riding: Smart & Safe

Riding in a group is beneficial in many ways, here are some of the many tips you can learn at Monday night Ride Clinics with George Powell.

•Look Ahead – Focus your attention on what is in front of you, do not look at those you are IMG_1110talking to.

•DO NOT OVERLAP your front wheel – If your front wheel hits the cyclist in front, you WILL go down. Give yourself room to maneuver, approximately 18 to 24 inches from the cyclist in front of you.

•Be Predictable – Keep your line, don’t brake or speed up suddenly.

•Communicate – Indicate clearly what you plan to do by speaking and pointing. Also communicate hazards: cars, dogs, potholes, debris. Continue reading