Keep on Riding

Winter poses all kinds of obstacles and sometimes excuses for staying off the bike. However, braving it during the winter will make you a stronger rider in the spring. Here are tips for winter cycling from a few HRBike members:IMG_0104

Andy Nelius­ – If you are comfortable when you start your ride, you’ll be too hot later on. Don’t overdress. Take enough to drink…you will sweat even though it’s cold, so you’ll have to replenish lost fluids. Hands, head, toes, and neck need to be high priorities in keeping warm. Might need spare sweatband or gloves to change to later…amazing how even a little sweat makes your extremities really cold.
I have found that just the right amount of head insulation is a cut-off sleeve of a short-sleeved t-shirt: you pull it onto your head like a do-rag, except the top part lines up with the crown of your head so it lets your excess heat vent off.

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Keeping Fit in the Off-Season

Baby, it’s cold outside. With the cold and wind, and rain and short days, what is a cyclist to do to keep that hard earned fitness level up? Recently, I queried a variety of the Highland Rim Bicycle Club members to get their secret for staying fit over the winter. The findings have inspired me, and I hope they will inspire you as well.

Before riding in the Christmas Parade I asked, 10-year old, Levi Dykes what he does in the off-season to keep his bike fitness. Levi looked at me in a quizzical way and then said, “I ride the trainer all year.” With Levi there is no off-season! What discipline! He likes Zwift, a computer generated training program.


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The 2015 ERV 100 is History

Photo by Chris Barstad

Photos by Chris Barstad

The 42nd annual Elk River Valley 100 (ERV 100) bike event was held on Saturday, September 12, 2015, at Motlow Community College. The Highland Rim Bicycle Club hosted the event that brought around 200 cyclists and their families to the Tullahoma area. The event began at the beautiful Motlow College campus, the weather was perfect, the route was scenic, the food was fantastic, and many riders decided one weekend in Tullahoma was not enough to enjoy all we had to offer.

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