Time Marches On

2015 has arrived! With the start of a brand new year, we hope you are well, happy and enjoying time on your bike. Some cyclists may be dreaming of getting to try out the new gizmo they got from Santa while others may be dreaming of reaching their goal of logging miles or dreaming of improved health and wellness due to riding their bike. No matter your dreams for 2015, we hope you will join us for as many rides and other events as possible this coming year.

Here are few things that will be happening soon:

Jersey Ordering Cycling Clothing Order-we have gone from a simple jersey order to offering all kinds of cycling clothing. Please check out the shopping cart on the website to see the cool kits and order yourself something special for 2015. The cart will be open from January 1 to January 15, 2015.

Bike Club Meeting-the first club meeting of 2015 will be Monday, January 19. At this meeting we’ll have our 2015 membership drive, a slide show highlighting events of 2014, and a preview of 2015 happenings. Please join us for the meeting at 6:00 pm at Highland Hills Church of Christ in Tullahoma. After the meeting we will adjourn to Casa Mexico for dinner together.

Please remember you can renew your membership right now on the website…you do not have to wait until the meeting. Continue reading

Highland Rim Bicycle Club makes donation to Motlow College Foundation

LYNCHBURG, TN (Oct. 21, 2014) – The Highland Rim Bicycle Club recently held its annual Elk River Valley 100 bicycle ride, and as they have done in recent years, once again donated a portion of the proceeds to the Motlow College Foundation. image001

This year’s ride was the club’s 41st anniversary for the event and included a record number of riders participating.

“The Highland Rim Bicycle Club has been a great partner with Motlow College for the past several years,” said Jan Rogers, director of advancement at Motlow. “We appreciate the continued support for our students through this donation to the Foundation.”

The donation for 2014 will go into the Motlow Ladies Philanthropic Society Endowment fund campaign, which currently has a goal of $50,000 which will be matched by an anonymous donor.

Others wishing to help with this campaign may contact Jan Rogers at 931-393-1692 or jrogers@mscc.edu.

Percy Warner Mountain Bike Trails

Yes, you read that correctly, Percy Warner Park in Nashville now has mountain bike trails! On a recent trip to visit our daughter, Tab, in Franklin, we took to the trails.

To get to the trailhead, just head toward Nashville and Cheekwood Botanical Gardens. When you see the entrance for Cheekwood, rather than going in, bear to the left and go in front of the entrance to Cheekwood. Then, very soon, on your right you will see the Percy Warner Mountain Bike parking lot with a sign and maps marking the trail head.2014-09-09 11.11.49

There are 6 trails from the very chill Boulevard Trail that goes the length of the trail to the Humdiger Trail that sports some challenging features for the highly experienced rider. Continue reading