2014 Save The Dates

Highland Rim Bicycle Club members ride bikes a lot, but we also do a number of other things. Below are some of the highlights for 2014 for you to put on your calendar. Unknown

Club Meetings (Fridays @ Highland Hills Church of Christ)
  • April 11, 6 pm
  • July 11, 6 pm
  • October 10, 6 pm

ERV100-September 6  

Adopt-a-Highway (Trash Pick up on Hwy 130)
  • March 15, 8:30 am (Saturday)
  • June 12, 2:30 pm (Friday)
  • September 12, 3:30 pm (Friday)
  • December 12, 3:30 (Friday)
May Bike month
  • Ride for Reading Week, May 5-11
  • Ride to School Day, May 7
  • Ride with the Mayor-TBD
  • Ride to Work Week, May 12-16
  • Ride to Work Day, May 16
  • Ride of Silence, May 21, 7 pm (Wednesday)
Jersey Orders
  • July 1-15

Get Fit Tullahoma Health Fair

 Coordinator, Winston Brooks 455-2648

Get Fit! Tullahoma and Urgent Team Host a Health and Fitness Expo April 5

Get Fit! Tullahoma and Urgent Team are pleased to host the second Free Community Health Fair and Fitness Expo Saturday, April 5, from 9 am to noon at Northgate Mall. There will be fitness and nutrition tips, health screenings and more. Please join us and learn how you can move more, eat well, get fit and stay fit.

“The results of the screenings will help you establish a baseline to see how healthy you are and what areas you need to improve in,” said Mayor Lane Curlee. “This event will also provide exposure and education about different dimensions of wellness and fitness opportunities in our community.”

There are currently 32 booths singed up to participate, and the first fifty students to visit will get to play the newest Arcade games for free.

“Get Fit! Tullahoma is about making a change you can live with,” said Urgent Team Area Manager, Mindy K. Street. “Part of our mission is to contribute to activities, organizations and causes that advance our communities forward.”

“This will be another fun and informative event,” said Community Coordinator, Winston Brooks. “This is a great chance to see what resources are available to help motivate you to start moving more and staying healthy.” Throughout the morning there is a complete line up of demonstrations starting at 9:00am with Tullahoma Crossfit; 9:30am Tims Ford Park Ranger Philip Hylen; 10:00am Molly Gupta Karate; 10:30am Estill Springers Square Dancing; 11:00am Snap Fitness Aerobics; and 11:30am the Mayor’s Fitness Challenge.

The complete list of vendors and services will be announced March 21.

What is your plan to get fit? More information and a list of vendors at http://www.tullahomatn.gov/get-fit

Dreams Really Can Come True

I learned this, at least, by experiment:
if one advances confidently in the direction of his (her) dreams,
and endeavors to live the life which he (she) has imagined,
he (she) will meet with success unexpected in common hours.
—Henry David Thoreau

As cyclists, when we look back at our “stats” from the previous year, it can be astonishing at how many miles have been traveled advancing toward our dreams – while on our bikes. Some of us have a particular amount of miles we strive to go, and others of us are just happy to “go.”As we imagine what the next year may bring and plan what we hope to accomplish, excitement and maybe a twinge of anxiety may surface. In an attempt to avoid feeling anxious, I learned years ago to set a goal that can be accomplished. As cyclists, a goal that can be achieved by every one of us, would be – Riding our bike will be fun in 2014!Another very achievable goal could be advancing awareness of cycling in our community. Some ways to achieve this goal would be to wear your club jersey while cycling, use your ERV100 mug at work, or help a friend to begin the sport of cycling this year.Making the Tullahoma area more “Bike Friendly” would benefit our community economically and environmentally. It is a dream to imagine in common hours. Perhaps, we are advancing confidently toward this goal each and every day as we have fun on our bikes in 2014.As always, be safe out there.


Please join us for the first meeting of 2014 on Friday, January 10, 6 p.m. at Highland Hills Church of Christ, 720 Kings Lane, Tullahoma, TN.JerseyFront_600x600-150x150If you, or your new to cycling friends, are in need of club merchandise, please note the shopping cart is now open for purchases until January 15. The next ordering window will be July 1¬15, 2014.