The Gift that Really Does Keep on Giving


Giving presents is a talent; to know what a person wants,
to know when and how to get it, to give it lovingly and well.

–Pamela Glenconner

At this special season of the year, we ponder over what to get that loved one who loves to ride her bike. Maybe a special jersey or some earrings made out of recycled bike chain. Or, if you can go all out and get his bike fitted with new electronic shifting or watt meter pedals, “what a twinkle that would bring to his eye.”  Perhaps your cyclist might enjoy a few of my favorite finds of the year: Smart Wool arm warmers or Swiftwick socks. (Twelve socks or knee hi’s) The list that follows may surprise you. Please think about giving these gifts to your loved ones on the 12 days of Christmas, which traditionally start on Christmas Day and end on January 5:

On the first day of Christmas, I gave to my true loves;
     The gift of my Undivided Attention
On the second day of Christmas, I gave to my true loves;
     The gift of Enthusiasm
On the third day of Christmas, I gave to my true loves;
     The gift of Creative Energy
On the fourth day of Christmas, I gave to my true loves;
     The gift of Simple Seasonal Pleasures
On the fifth day of Christmas, I gave to my true loves;
     The gift of Tenderness
On the sixth day of Christmas, I gave to my true loves;
     The gift of Good Cheer
On the seventh day of Christmas, I gave to my true loves;
     The gift of Beauty
On the eighth day of Christmas, I gave to my true loves;
     The gift of Communication
On the ninth day of Christmas, I gave to my true loves;
     The gift of Surprise
On the tenth day of Christmas, I gave to my true loves;
     The gift of Wonder
On the eleventh day of Christmas, I gave to my true loves;
     The gift of Peaceful Surroundings
On the twelfth day of Christmas, I gave to my true loves;
     The gift of Joy

Taken from Simple Abundance (December 12) by Sarah Ban Breathnach

To sum it up: he or she wants Encouragement–

If you still need help, contact Woody or Brian at Woody’s Bicycles in Sewanee or Mark or Thad at MOAB in Murfreesboro or Franklin.

Merry Christmas and be safe out there,
Julia Harrison, Secretary of the Highland Rim Bicycle Club

Encouragement to Dog Owners & Motorists

“What’s more beautiful than a road? It
is the symbol and the image of an active, varied life.”
-George Sand, French novelist

Spending a good bit of time on the roads around our area on a bicycle, I’ve noticed several things that are wonderful and a few that cause frustration and concern.

The positive is a great place to begin: there are really beautiful places here to enjoy. At times, one could feel like they are riding a bike in the countryside of Ireland, France, or even Italy. It warms the heart to go through these areas and ponder the beauty of our world. Almost smelling the peat of Ireland, or the vineyards and the olive groves of France or Italy, seeing the beauty of an old barn and wondering what that farm was like in it’s “hay day,” topping a hill and enjoying a breath-taking view of the valley. These are just a few of the joys one can encounter while taking a bike ride here in Middle Tennessee. Another wonder here are those fellow Tennesseans that one meets along the journey. Talking to folks while stopped for supplies we are often asked: How far have you gone today? Where are you headed? What is the farthest you have ridden in a day? Would you like some water? Please stop by again if you are ever in this area. Generally speaking, in our area cyclists are made to feel welcome and are respected on the highways and byways. Continue reading