Be “Safer at Home”

Steve at In the Know Cycling says it better than I ever could so here’s a brief excerpt of his recommendations for riding during the COVID-19 crisis in our country. You can read the entire blog post here WHAT CYCLISTS CAN DO ABOUT CORONAVIRUS.

“Most stay-at-home advisories or shelter-in-place orders still allow us to go outside and ride. That’s one of the privileges of being a cyclist…

“But, do we all know what we should and shouldn’t be doing when we ride outside now…

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What To Do Before/After a Driver Hits You

I ran across a pretty good article talking about being prepared should a motor vehicle driver strike you while cycling. You can read the full article on Bicycling’s website “What to Do Before (and Immediately After) a Driver Hits You“.

Here’s a “CliffsNote” version:

  1. Check insurance coverage, apparently most auto insurance covers you against uninsured/underinsured motorists even if you’re on your bicycle
  2. Ride with cameras, officers too often side with the motor vehicle driver in cyclist motor vehicle incidents
  3. Have emergency contacts easily available, some sort of physical document in case your phone is rendered inoperable in the wreck
  4. Have an action plan, sort of a checklist you and others in your usual riding group can follow should an incident occur

Re-cycle Tullahoma Volunteers Needed

Tullahoma Re-Cycle teaches middle school students safe bicycle riding principles, basic bicycle repair and maintenance. Joe Capezza coordinates this project and is asking for volunteers to help mentor West Middle School participants. They’ll be meeting on Wednesdays for the first three weeks of November and the first week of December (Nov 6, 13, 20 and Dec 4).

If you can help, please contact Joe via Email.